Time you spend every day is worth a lot to the employer. It is what they pay you for. What do you value and what do you think your time is worth? Do you spend time with friends and family, playing, working out, reading, and most of all do you spend time with God?
I look at my typical day and I seem to be saying that I spend most of my time on my family, my job, and my sleep. So with my actions I am saying they are the most important and worth the most. I know we can't all spend hours reading the Bible and praying, but it is a matter of the heart. And if we do not make time with God a priority, it slips away and is gone just like our good intentions to tithe of our money. We have to work at all relationships, and if it is important then we will make time for it.
I heard a message once about a man and his wife. It said if the man only called his wife for about 5 minutes a day during the week and would only see her for an hour or two on Sunday and Wednesday, how long do you think that could go on before one if not both would start asking, "What is going on? Are we or are we not married?" The relationship would be damaged. During that time they would not be as good at knowing what the other needs or wants and not on the same team. In the same way, how can we expect to know God's will or have a close relationship with Him if we spend so little time with him?
I guess I was thinking about this after my vacation. Then I was playing basketball and found that I was not as good as I once was. And when riding my bike I might not forget how but my body sure was not fit to do it like it was at one time.
I know that my relationship is not where I want it and it was not God who quit spending time with me. I was the one to quit on Him.
I need to spend time with Him and truly know Him so I will know His will for my life and my family's lives.
My prayer: God, please forgive me for not making the best use of the time you give me. Help me to make you a priority so that we can have a closer relationship.
Friday, June 15, 2007
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